4thBin wins EPA Environmental Champion Award
4th Bin was started 5 years ago by a couple of technology professionals. We knew technology. We knew New York City. But we didn’t know the recycling business.
We decided that, if we were going to start this venture, we were going to do it the right way.
To us, there was no sense in starting an e-waste recycling business and not actually recycling. We took our commitment seriously and spent that first year receiving a lot of advice and learning a lot about the recycling process, exports and unethical business practices. We made a few mistakes (which we quickly corrected). But, overall, we have been proud of our ethics, industry affiliations and business practices.
So, it was with great pleasure (and great surprise) that I received a phone call from Senator Kirsten Gillibrand’s office last week informing me that the senator had nominated us for an Environmental Champion Award – and we won!
Each year, the EPA recognizes those who have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to protecting and enhancing environmental quality and public health with the Environmental Champion Award, the highest recognition presented to the public. Award recipients come from all sectors of the environmental community, including businesses, government, non-profit organizations, environmental groups, everyday citizens, and educators.
4thBin aims to be a true leader and champion in promoting the highest industry standards. We are honored to be recognized not only by the EPA, but also by our community, and are deeply grateful for Senator Gillibrand’s nomination.
Last but not least, we want to thank the thousands of customers and partners who use our services. Without your commitment to high environmental and security standards, 4th Bin would not exist.